by Max Barry

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by The Children are crying because of La Xinga. . 20 reads.

The Vessels of the Temple Chapter 1: 1-15

(First 3 sentences from the Knights of Marrabuk)

1. Marrabuk said to Lerasi saying: 2: Erect for me tem-ple in my honor, and honor me with the name The Knights Who Say Neigh. 3: Not just you shall honor me, but all who wants to can join, and they will be great-ly rewarded. 4. And Lerasi came~ be-fore a small hill, no more than a mile long, and saw a ~shine com-ing from ~it and chose that area as the spot that the tem-ple will be built on. 5. So the sun set on that hill, and Ler~asi was sleeping. 6: In a dream, the Horse came, and to all the mem-bers did he come, and told Ler~asi as follows: 7: Yes, here is the glowing place that I want ~you and ~them to build~, a place where each member shall have comfort. 8: So they~ woke~ ~up and they built. 9: A front wall was made, and it was made with wood of stone~, copper and iron, gold and sil-ver, and ~tin and titan~ium, all members with a sec-tion in it. 10: And the wall had 30 windows, 15 doors, and 31 lamps, with a lamp above each window, and a door in~ bet-ween them. 11: The door in the middle had two openings, and had a lamp above each one. 12: On top of the wall ~there is a mar-ble rail and it is guard~ing floor of granite which at the end were two towers. 13: This was the place the guards of the Horse would stand, and we call them: the ~Knights of ~Marrabuk. 14: The same~ was done for the o-ther four walls, and the doors led to a tremendous courtyard. 15: So it was, and the peo-ple did all that Marrabuk told them.

Marrabuk, Horse
Aivintis, Prophet
The Militarius Imperium, High Priest
Wiranath, Abbot
Danelaw Scandinavia, Disciple
Christian confederation, Priest
Rage mage, Priest
The death syndicate, Acolyte
Evrigenis, Acolyte
The magical unicorn, Acolyte
