by Max Barry

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by The awesome blue order. . 17 reads.

Z-Day 2017

They struck without warning.
On October 30th, 3:00PM Central Time, the Corpses began to rise. We are uncertain if the virus was airborne, waterborne, or transmitted through some other method, but we do know that the effects were catastrophic. They were able to strike quickly, and took most of the population as they slept. The survivors were moved to various Safe Houses and bunkers, but we don't know if it will be enough. The Constitutionocracy of Spncrgmn sent in some of their men to assist in taking down the zombie threat, and for that, we are grateful. We currently have our scientists developing a curing device other nations have been producing, a "Cure Missile". If this works, we may be able to get back most of our citizens, and avoid the need for future casualties. This is not a very Happy Halloween.

Update 1 [8:33 AM]: There appears to be a wide variety of zombie types, beyond the usual traditional zombies. Some run, others are strong, it's almost like it's L4D2 or something.

Update 2 [10:05 AM]: We have mobilized a strike force to our neighbors, helping reduce the zombie count in the region. I just hope we can get cure missiles in time to reduce the necessary body count as well...

Update 3 [10:25 AM]: The Empire of Kingdoms of colonies of kingdoms has had all of its zombies removed by our strike forces, however it is unfortunate they were all zombified by the time we made it. There were 36,321,846 people in total.

Update 4 [10:51 AM]: Thanks to the efforts of The Kingdom of Kamshrirthull, The Strange People of Supeary, and The Empire of Markem, the remaining 7 million zombies have been cured, so our Island is zombie-free. Candy is being given out to the children in the quarantined zones, after all, this is supposed to be a holiday.

Update 5 [11:12 AM]: The zombies came back, about 3 million in total. However, The Republic of Second wor and The Defending Grand Federation of The Peninsular have cured 2 million of those zombies.

Update 6 [11:14 AM]: The Republic of Liaylis Cured the remaining million zombies. Let's hope the zombies stay cured this time. On another high note, we have gotten closer to developing cure missiles.

Update 7 [12:35 PM]: A couple million zombies arrived, but The Conglomerate Corporation of BNL Corporation cured them.

Update 8 [7:15 PM]: The leader, Eric Krawczyk, has come back to the control room after visiting the survivors (He was dressed as the Scissorman from Clock Tower), and noticed that a Cure missile has been completed, with another 52% done.

Update 9 [8:24 PM]: After about an hour of firing cure missiles, we have successfully cured The Conglomerate Corporation of BNL Corporation.

Update 10 [11:00 PM]: The Zombies have finally died down. 260,303,802 people survived, 1,683,294,934 died, we had no zombies left by the time the apocalypse ended, leaving us with a survival rate of 13.38%. If we are more responsive, we can probably improve that percentage if this happens again. Fortunately, the best scientists of the World Assembly have managed to create a "Super Cure" that can not only cure the zombies currently existing, but also bring back those who died while infected. We also saved a sample of infected tissue for research purposes. Let's hope this does not happen again, or if it does, that we are more prepared. There might not be a "Super Cure" next time...

The awesome blue order
