by Max Barry

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by The Watching Green Eyes of Todds Diplomat. . 7,389 reads.



Nations of the World! No, not just the [region]World[/region], but the entire 'verse! 

We, the staff of the annual NationStates World Fair (NSWF), cordially invite you to the [b][url=]Fifth NationStates World Fair[/url][/b], an event running from January 20th to January 26th that may truly be classified as "out of this world". We do hope to see you there and look forward to getting to know you better.

[center][box][b]Fair? What Fair?[/b][/box][/center]
What is the World Fair, you might ask? Well, good leader, as you may know NationStates is comprised of hundreds of regions, each with their own history, culture, and flair. It can be a bit daunting and perhaps impossible to truly learn them all, but it is our goal that this fair will at the very least bring regions (and nations) together in [b]unity[/b] and [b]cooperation[/b]. Many regions [url=]have already established[/url] areas on these forums to share their cultures, referred to as "booths", and all nations are encouraged to visit, explore, and witness. We do hope your region does well in expressing itself to the 'verse around it. Are you in a region without a booth? Well, simply have your regional government [url=]request a booth and we will review it[/url].

[center][box][b]Much More![/b][/box][/center]
The fair is more than just regional booths. Many prominent nations are slated to hold lectures in our [url=]Lecture Hall[/url], where their leaders will share their wealth of knowledge on a variety of topics, from roleplay, to gameplay, and everything in between. We encourage [b]all nations[/b] to peruse this section and read as the lectures come in.

This fair is for [b]all facets[/b] of our game. Hence, we have established [url=]areas for roleplay[/url] and a discussion to mend roleplayer and gameplayer relations. A forum for NS Sports and its unique aspect of in-character interactions are presented [url=]in this forum[/url]. We even have sections for less serious aspects and [url=]general discussion[/url]. Finally, we allow [url=]a slot[/url] for the various newspapers across NationStates to comment on the various goings-on of the fair.

In addition to forums, we have also set up a [url=]Discord server[/url] for more immediate discussion. In creating an established chat to be run simultaneously with the forums, we hope to further [b]facilitate [/b]and [b]buoy[/b] a greater sense of connectivity across our game. 

[center][box][b]In Closing[/b][/box][/center]
With the help of [b]you[/b], world leader, we hope to achieve our goal one nation at a time. It is this reason our theme of space was chosen. While space is indeed vast and quite possibly boundless, the knowledge of other worlds around us almost begs for greater affinity in our game. May we reach for the stars and be left wanting more.

With best,
The NSWF Staff
