by Max Barry

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by The Positive Nation of Todd McCloud. . 459 reads.

Design a World Factbook Entry for Fun & Profit!

Design A World Factbook Entry (WFE) for The East Pacific!

What is the World Factbook Entry (WFE)? It's that little blurb of text atop our region page, of course! Currently (as of the writing of this post) it displays information on the improvement drive of the region, but obviously it won't always show that message. I've had years of time to design fun and captivating World Factbook Entries, but how about yourself? Can YOU give it a go?

Here is what a World Factbook Entry should include:

  • Who to Endorse (todd, bach, aelitia, ramaus, a slanted black stripe, etc.)

  • A link to our forums

  • Something on the Endorsement Cap (150 endorsements is the max if you endorse the delegate, 15 is the maximum if you don't. See Linkthis law here for details)

That's about it. If you're lost with the coding, I and/or others can help to make it legible. Also bear in mind that WFE's are limited in terms of characters, so I reserve the right to shorten the length or do any coding changes needed to make it feasible. In addition, ascii art is allowed but please limit the amount of external links that are not related to TEP in any fashion. As a delegate, I am obligated to edit any WFE submissions for the sake of the region and to make them more consistent with what should be reported atop the regional page.

Please submit all responses Linkin the form of a reply here or simply telegram me.

That being said, good luck! All WFE producers will be given credit in some form!
