by Max Barry

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by The Positive Nation of Todd McCloud. . 852 reads.

Todd's Cool Platform

Vote Todd For a Greater Toddmorrow

Platform Time in Brief:

1. Kind Todd rules his people with a good hand
2. Todd is not odd
3. He will crush visions of orange soda.
4. He will crush his enemies, see them driven before him, and hear the lamentations of the natives
5. Soon We Will End The W.A.'s Oppression
6. If it's tangy and brown, you're in cider town, but if it's clear and yellow, you have juice there, fellow!
7. All lists should have at least seven points.

Platform Time in More Detail

We arrive at a point in Nationstates where things are kind of like orange soda - you know, good or bad, if you have orange pop in your hand, it will taste like an orange soda. There's literally no question as to what it could be, unless you're a weird person who happens to enjoy ginger ale with orange juice, which would not taste like orange pop, but throw-up. Regardless, NS has become predictable and somewhat boring. Let's make it fun again.

We can achieve this by being uncharacteristically chaotic. In order to do this, we must organize and become committed to the task at hand. Let's start by announcing our golden rule: no dinguses allowed. This flows naturally to our second rule: we must vanquish dinguses with great vengeance and furious anger. That, or build a wall around them and make them pay for it. Whatever's cheaper.

We shall erect a new feeder: The Central Pacific, or TCP for short. It shall be a good feeder. Like, people will remember it and it won't be fought over for the next five years, which is exactly what happened the last time the game established new game-created regions.

Those who have been commended by The Security Council shall have their endorsements count the same as ten endorsements. Those who were condemned shall receive no endorsements, or half or whatever people want. That is all. Also the SC will temporarily suspend people from the WA if it's voted on. Think of it like some giant, glorious kangaroo court.

The Raider / Defender game will go back to no scripts, morse code, and battle axes. That way we will always be twirling, twirling, and twirling to new methods of gameplay. The game will obtain an enhancement - delegates will be able to send "bombs" to other regions which shall temporarily "obliterate" some of another delegate's endorsement count. They will only be able to do this on certain occasions. But, this way, regions can declare war, choose sides, etc.

There will be a giant NS court to handle the affairs of countless nations. This is to give the mods a break, because they're far too busy to hear all the squabbles. To ensure everyone is represented, all conversation will have to be monitored. Now, I know what you're saying: but I want my thoughts monitored too. Well, we thought of that. Hence the creation of a new thought police task force that will ensure all trials are heard, regardless of how silly they may be. A court of peers, mostly people we trust but don't like, will hear all the cases and rule justly. If they don't, we'll find another one. It's really a simple system, really.

Finally, we announce several new holidays: Max Day, The East Pacific Day, Cool Day, Hay Day, May Day, and Fay Wray in that order.


My cabinet features Darth Vader for Military, Captain Planet for the environment, Judge Fudge as my Attorney Justice, Scrooge McDuck in treasury, and Uncle Fester in education.

Campaign Promises (In Order)

1. Numero Capitan will be in charge of all regions that start with "0"
2. A wall will be build around The United Defenders League. They will pay for it.

In Closing

Thank you for your time, and I hope I can secure your vote.

Vote Todd for a greater Toddmorrow!

The Positive Nation of Todd McCloud

