Dispatch → Bulletin → Campaign
Currently, i am working on making pandora stations for different regions. If you wish to have one of these stations, follow the steps below!1. check that you meet these requirements: Embassies with Hell, ALL embassy nations are allowed to chat on your regions rmb (i do not currently have any RO status in hell), NO FASH REGIONS ALLOWED NO EXEPTIONS, and your region must not have Main page on your regional ban or blanket suppression list.
2. have a regional officer telegram me.
3. wait a while. i am lazy and may have other obligations so it could take time for me to get your request
TG Format:
Hello, [nation]Main Page[/nation]! I am looking for a regional radio station. [b]carrier frequency: [/b] [put yours here] [b]Name of station (if different from [YOUR REGION] Radio): [/b] [b]Music you want added to the station: [/b]
Current stations:
Hell: 66.6 FM Hell Radio