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Memverse Development Docs
The following information has been partially declassified. Some information has to remain confidential, either for national security or the safety of government officialsChat-Info[bot]> @██_██████████ Made this room
Chat-Info[bot]> @██_██████████ Password protected this room
██_██████████>oh good it works
Chat-Info[bot]> @Department-of-Science Joined the chat
██_██████████> @Department-of-Science who is this
Department-of-Science> I'm ████ ███, Head of dept. of science
██_██████████>shared acc lmao
██_██████████>join with a private acc so other ppl dont get access to this.
Department-of-Science>righto bucko
Chat-Info[bot]> @Department-of-Science left the chat
Chat-Info[bot]> @█████████ Joined the chat
██_██████████> good your here
Chat-Info[bot]> @SplatTimFR joined the chat
SplatTimFR> yo @██_██████████ hows dev going?
██_██████████> pretty good. we are working with science to figure out how we could use it, and tech department is helping me program it
SplatTimFR> speaking of tech dept where is she
█████████> right here im head of both
██_██████████> we are doing pretty good. we figured out how to get ppl into it. their phones could potentially be used as an access terminal.
SplatTimFR> wait i thought this was a vr not a mobile game
██_██████████> it is just trust the process. anw we figured out that a tower format and repeated objectives is the best way to do this. i have the info loaded up here...
SplatTimFR> tf am i looking at
██_██████████> i will expalin in next meeting
██_██████████> explain*
██_██████████> we got a lil problem
SplatTimFR> what
██_██████████> low funding
SplatTimFR> f*ck. i'll move around some money. schools can go sell chocolate or sumin
█████████> also we found a security hole
SplatTimFR> ok and
█████████> we found an exploit that someone could use to pull people into memverse w/o their consent
SplatTimFR> go fix it then
██_██████████> oh lordy
SplatTimFR> what im eating lunch rn this better be important
██_██████████> turn on the news
SplatTimFR> what does the story abt the ppl being hella spaced out have to do with this project
██_██████████> on the same day that people just started doing nothing and just started standing the memverse user count spiked
SplatTimFR> WTF
█████████> oh that was prolly the exploit
SplatTimFR> ok we need to send military in there. or destroy the servers. whichever one's cheaper
█████████> server thing is cheaper but if we destroy the servers all of the people in there could die
SplatTimFR> ok send in military