by Max Barry

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Providence: The new novel by Max Barry, creator of NationStates



by The Free Land of MINIFOR. . 2 reads.

USCN Web (Join Our Roleplay)

Home > Roleplay > Join Our Roleplay

Join Our Roleplay



Register yourself for this regional roleplay by copying,
then filling in the form below. Before filling in the form,
make sure that you have read the roleplay rules.

[b]Roleplay Registration Form[/b]

[*][b]Nation name*:[/b] 
[*][b]Nation classification*:[/b] 
[*][b]Capital city*:[/b]
[*][b]Territorial claim*:[/b] 
[*][b]Nation status*:[/b]
[*][b]Account Ownership*:[/b]

I have read and agree with all the rules stated in the roleplay rules. With this statement, I am ready to accept all consequences if one day I am caught breaking the rules.

Sections marked with asteriks (*) are mandatory.

After filling in the form, please send it via telegram to
Beringin Raya or MINIFOR. You will be notified if your
request has been fulfilled. We are waiting for you in
our roleplay.



  • Nation name*
    Fill the section with the name of your country. The
    country name for this roleplay does not have to
    be the same as your account name, however it's
    highly recommended to have the same name.
    -Example: MyNation

  • Nation classification*
    Fill the section with the classification of your
    -Example: Republic

  • Leader*
    Fill the section with your nation's leader.
    -Example: MyLeader

  • Capital city*
    Fill the section with your nation's capital.
    -Example: MyCity

  • Population*
    Fill in this with your nation's total population. The
    population does not have to be the same as your
    nation's population based on NS stats. We highly
    recommend filling this with a reasonable number.
    Pay attention to the geography and size of your
    nation's territory, for example, nations with desert
    and land-locked areas are very likely to have a
    smaller population when compared to nations that
    have the opposite conditions.
    -Example: 50 Million

  • World*
    Fill the section with the world you want your nation
    to be placed in. View the available worlds in the
    Maps and Countries section.
    -Example: WorldName

  • Territorial claim*
    Fill in this section to claim the region in the world you
    previously selected. We recommend drawing your
    nation's borders on a map to make it easier for
    our cartographers. After that, you can fill this
    section with image links.
    -Example: [img]ImageLink[/img]

  • Nation status*
    Fill in this section with your nation status. The status
    referred to in this context is the sovereignty of your
    nation. Is the account you are registering fully
    independent, a puppet state of an already registered
    nation, an independence movement, etc.
    -Example: Sovereign state
    If you answered anything other than
    "sovereign state", then you fill in like this.
    -Example: Puppet (TheirNation)

  • Account Ownership*
    Fill in this section with the name of your
    nation account.
    If the account used is an alternative in roleplay, then
    write the name of the nation account that owns it.
    -Example: TheirNation

