by Max Barry

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by The Rainbow Confederacy of UFROE. . 334 reads.

The Red Standard: Official News of The Communist Bloc - April 1, 2023

Good morning / afternoon / evening!

Please welcome our newest comrades:Koree du nord, Kanto du nord, Kommunischayem kings, The kingdom of blue skies, San cardelios, Goldenrodfill, Torovhulha, Valial, Verza, Balkan-germany-benelux, Mijmerheim, Serbian-russian union, Southur terni, Trouth, Kalineickogo-poluostrova, Kingdom of martheus, and Greater potatostanik!

TCBook Reviews - How Fascism Works, by Jason Stanley

By: Anton (Parana socialista)
March 4, 2023

In this article I would like to talk about the book How Fascism Works, by Jason Stanley, as well as give my perspective on some of the points I think are important. Jason is a Philosophy professor at Yale University who intends to explain the main characteristics of Fascism and how fascist leaders exploit their victims, their targets and the public. While I believe Jason does a good job superficially, he addresses the issue from a liberal perspective. As I will exemplify ahead, Jason gives too much focus to fascist leaders and their tactics without questioning how exactly they are able to work in concert with capitalist systems to achieve their goals.

In chapter one, Jason discusses "the mythic past" that fascists so often rely on. This is not hard to notice in most fascist rhetoric. Fascists need a past where everything was great before their target group came along or grew in visibility to justify their hatred for their target group. From a leftist perspective, it's interesting to note how a similar image of greatness is constructed under capitalism. In the case of capitalism, it's common propaganda that society was much more rudimentary before the Industrial Revolution, after which poverty was quickly reduced and material conditions were greatly improved, particularly thanks to capitalists and economic liberalism. However, this is not really what we see nowadays. This contributes to the frustrations that fascist leaders exploit, because then people are also lead to believe that society should be much more prosperous than it is, which they often follow with the claim that a minority group is responsible for current limitations.

Chapters three and four revolve around anti-intellectualism and unreality. These can be exemplified as the dislike of academics and the notion that society is meant to be structured a certain rigid way. Once again, Jason mentions real cases, but he shies away from a criticism of capitalism. In the case of anti-intellectualism, the fact that we are routinely directed towards whatever is more productive and pays better shows that the capitalist logic can reinforce the fascist imaginary. Those who would rather pursue an academic life, or those who choose majors that aren't perceived as very industrious, are labeled as either not contributing to society or making it worse.

Fascists point of view often demands the reinforcement of what they believe to be natural, their heritage from a glorious past. The patriarchy is an example of this unreality. Just pay attention to how boys are manipulated to play with cars, weapons and action figures, while girls are expected to content themselves with taking care of toy babies or playing with fake home appliances. Capitalism has the power to make this imaginary seem natural to us. Those academics who dare criticize the natural order of things under capitalism? They are demeaned as destroying “western civilization”.

Finally, as Jason says, in their own unreality, fascists believe that the dominant group (white men, followed by their submissive wife and children) do everything in their power to make society great. They dangerously claim the responsibility for social decay falls on the shoulders of minorities, whom they perceive as parasites who leech on government benefits without putting in the work to better their situation. By this part of the book, it’s disappointing how Jason spends so much time criticizing fascism but fails to address its twin evil, capitalism, in spite of many shared concepts. Hopefully future authors make this important and natural connection.

Red Standard Crossword - April 1

2. A group of gods or a temple for gods, meaning "all of the gods" in Greek.
4. Capital and largest city of Greece whose patron goddess is the city's namesake.
7. An external building constructed as a monument enclosing the burial chamber of a deceased person or people, one of these was built in Halicarnassus.
8. Meaning "love of wisdom" in Greek, it is the systematized study of general and fundamental questions.
9. Originating in western Greece, this column design is most easily recognized by the simple circular capitals at the top of columns.
10. Greek philosopher who challenged conventional wisdom, often credited as the founder of Western philosophy.

1. God of thunder and the sky, king of all gods, and ruler of Mount Olympus.
3. Goddess of hunting and the Moon, twin sister of Apollo.
5. What Ancient Greek statues are called.
6. After the Titanomachy this titan was condemned to hold up the heavens, until he is killed, in some versions freed, by Heracles.

You can solve the crossword Linkhere!

After solving the crossword, upload a screenshot of your solution to an image-hosting website, and then telegram the link to your uploaded image to UFROE! The first person to solve the crossword will receive an Epic card as a prize, and all solvers will be mentioned in the next edition of the newspaper.

Last issue's crossword's first solver was: Brezzia
Other solvers were: Western iberia and Tinhampton

The First Minister Resigns, Anarchism Ensues

By: Lowe Nixon (UFROE)
April 1, 2023

Good evening.

This is the 9th time I have spoken to you from this office, where so many decisions have been made that shaped the history of this Region. Each time I have done so to discuss with you some matter that I believe affected the regional interest, such as talking about my pizza with yogurt addiction and the “crime against food” of eating chocolate syrup with pasta.

In all the decisions I have made in my NationStates career, I have always tried to do what was best for the Region. Throughout the long and difficult period of Lowegate, I have felt it was my duty to persevere, to make every possible effort to complete the term of office to which you elected me through most certainly “fair” means in which no vote stuffing was present.

In the past few days, however, it has become evident to me that I no longer have a strong enough political base in the Legislative Committee, nor the People’s Tribunal to justify continuing that effort. The bribes I continued to offer them simply weren’t enough anymore. As long as there was such a base, I felt strongly that it was necessary to see the constitutional process through to its conclusion, that to do otherwise would be unfaithful to the spirit of that deliberately difficult process and a dangerously destabilizing precedent for the future. This only further proves that Alangrad was right, and that election by lottery is the only way forward. Corruption though only took me so far, and using that as the base for my political support inevitably caused a fallout.

With the disappearance of that base, I now believe that the constitutional purpose has been served, and there is no longer a need for the process to be prolonged.

I would have preferred to carry through to the finish whatever the personal agony it would have involved, and the raider colonizers who supported me encouraged so. But the interest of the Region must always come before any personal considerations.

From the discussions I have had with the CoM and others, I have concluded that because of the Lowegate matter I might not have the support of the LC or the PT that I would consider necessary to back the very difficult decisions and carry out the duties of this office in the way the interests of the Region would require.

I have never been a quitter. To leave office before my term is completed is abhorrent to every instinct in my body. But as First Minister, I must put the interest of The Communist Bloc first. The Communist Bloc needs a full-time First Minister, a full-time Legislative Committee, and a full time People’s Tribunal, particularly at this time with problems we face at home and abroad.

To continue to fight through the months ahead for my personal vindication would almost totally absorb the time and attention of myself, the LC, and the PT in a period when our entire focus should be on the great issues of peace abroad and prosperity without inflation at home. And while I may have contributed to said inflation by siphoning money from the ministries into my own offshore bank accounts, I reiterate the fault is entirely upon those who failed to accept my bribes. Yet what I have done is inexcusable and unworthy of a leader.

Therefore, I shall resign the First Ministership effective at noon tomorrow. No one will be sworn in as First Minister at that hour in this office. Anarchy will ensue and the government shall collapse.

To have served in this office is to have felt a very personal sense of kinship with each and every TCBer. In leaving it, I do so with this prayer: May Alangrad's grace be with you in all the days ahead. Long Live The Anarchist Bloc.

Red Standard Maze Puzzle

After solving the maze puzzle, upload the answer to an image hosting site and telegram the solution to UFROE! The first person to solve the maze puzzle will receive an Epic card as a prize, and all solvers will be mentioned in the next edition of the newspaper.

Last Issue's first chess puzzle solver was: Western iberia
Other solvers were: Notanam

Voices of The Bloc - The Ministry of Domestic Affairs

By: Vioelene (Violene Islands)
February 27, 2023

It’s no secret that TCB is a large region- we have 1800 nations, an active community of citizens, and an endorsement count that rivals regions ten times our size. And every single day, two groups of people work hard to keep it that way: the Ministry of Domestic Affairs, and the Manual Recruitment team.

You’ve most likely interacted with one of these groups before, whether it’s through receiving a recruitment telegram, having your citizenship application processed, or being encouraged to join the WA and endorse our delegate. Each of these tasks are essential to keep the region growing, in both raw numbers and influence.

Before a resident of the region can be accepted as a citizen, they go through processing: a series of background checks carried out by MoDA members, to ensure that the new applicant isn’t a right-wing infiltrator, a previously banned member trying to sneak back in, or simply an unpleasant troll. Thanks to the MoDA’s work, the Discord community is a great place to be!

World Assembly Wednesday is another vital task handled by the Ministry, which has kept our endorsement count consistently growing. Since the program was introduced in May 2022, our delegate Kethania has gained 145 endorsements (and counting)!

Of course, we wouldn’t have anyone to process or give endorsements if not for our recruitment team. By using a combination of telegram stamps and a manual recruitment bot (coded and maintained by our very own Kethania), our recruiters have reached out to every new and returning nation for the past year.

If you’ve ever thought about volunteering to keep TCB a great place to be, Manual Recruitment and Domestic Affairs are the perfect place to start! Any citizen who joins the regional Discord can participate (make sure to apply for citizenship if you haven’t already), and any questions you have will be answered by experienced volunteers.

Regional News

International News

  • The First Minister has resigned. Long Live The Anarchist Bloc!

  • Minister of Foreign Affairs Manndown celebrates their birthday today! Make sure to tell him how awesome he is and to wish him a wonderful birthday.


Current Events
Keep an eye out for announcements about upcoming events here and on Discord!

  • Want to have your own article published for the whole Bloc to read? Submit a guest article Linkhere!

  • PRAF continues to grow and remains highly active, if you wish to participate and join TCB's military join the PRAF today here!

General Bulletins


  • If you’re not endorsing our delegate Kethania, you should do that straight away! Every endorsement on our delegate protects our regional security as well as amplifies our voice on WA resolutions. If you are not, you are limited to 10 endorsements yourself. You should also endorse our vice delegates, Marxmeans, Pajonia Shamian, and The Workers Union of Habsburg-Lorraine!

  • Become a citizen! This allows you to participate in regional politics, pick your representatives, and join the Regional Discord server. More information can be found here.

  • Check out the Law Archive. It is an easy way to navigate and keep track of all our laws. This document is updated as new laws get passed.

  • If you are interested in getting involved, consider participating in one of our volunteer programs. Citizens can become volunteers by inquiring in the LinkRegional Discord. We greatly appreciate the work all our volunteers do!


  • Want some endorsements? Run the Revolutionary Endorsement Program! It's simple and doesn't take very much time. Endorse comrades, get endorsed back. Alternatively, post the following to the RMB:

    [nation]ink_cloud[/nation], rep
    Our RMB bot, created by Kethania, will give you a list of nations to endorse.

  • We have published the Master Dispatch. This should be the first place you go if you are looking for information on TCB or NationStates. It contains links to every major resource, and it is pinned under the WFE.

  • We're always interested in having residents of TCB participate in the region. If you have an idea for a fun cultural event, an interesting news article, or any other way you'd like to contribute to the region, telegram a Minister to make your suggestion!


  • The Ministry has created a list of leftist resources! This is an ongoing project, and if you think there is something missing from this list, please telegram or DM the First Minister. That is UFROE here and LoweVonBayern#7978 on Discord.

While run by the Ministry of Information, the Red Standard does not necessarily reflect the stance of the current administration. Please contact the First Minister, at UFROE or on discord by DMing LoweVonBayern#7978.

This article was authored by Lowe.

The Rainbow Confederacy of UFROE

