by Max Barry

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by The Imperial Regime of The Galactic RepubIlic. . 25 reads.

The Martian Border Security Treaty

The Martian Border Security Treaty.

Seeking to prevent the all-out threat of war and the destruction of Mars, this treaty will hereby guarantee:

1. The borders of Mars shall remain as 75% TGR, 5% AxeCapital, and 20% Krystalveil, and no other power shall be allowed to take any piece of land on Mars except if given, with the consent of said giver nation.

2. Should any nation attempt to forcefully invade & occupy the Martian territory of any of the three nations listed in this treaty, then all nations shall seek to defend the status quo provided in this treaty.

3. That this treaty remain flexible, and if any nation be given land by any three nations listed in this treaty, that it be included in this treaty as a formal signatory.

Signed: Victor I, Emperor of TGR, King Robert II Axelrod of AxeCapital, and Emperors August, Marcus and Charlie of Krystalveil.
