by Max Barry

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by The Red Land of Vanitacon Republic. . 1 reads.

History of the Vanitacon Republic (WIP)

1774, Discovery
A semi-large set of islands, located in an isolated part of the pacific, was discovered by James Cook during his second voyage in 1774. What was most interesting about these islands was that due to them being so isolated, they were still unihabited. So after this a settlement would be set up on the main and largest island, now named Vanitacon island, and this settlements name would be Thomasburg, but later changed to Vanencia. The origin of both names is still unknown to this day and many believe them to have both been simply made up, but still they stuck. Of course since James Cook discovered them, The islands would become fully integraded into the British Empire.

1800-1850, South Islands Conflict
In 1812, a group of radicalists wanting to take over the, at the time, uninhabited South Islands would move around 2,000 people there to create this new nation. After the British found out, however, they demanded that they leave the south islands. The group refused which lead to the South Islands Conflict. The group fought a guerilla style war against the British which did allow the group to last quiet a bit. Even still, the conflict only lasted a few months, and by the end of it, what was left of the group surrendered.

1850-1900, Lower Class VS. Upper Class
At the start of the 1850s, the majority lower class started to go against the government as they wanted more freedoms. Not much came of this as those in power refused these demands and where able to keep the people under, although this made the people resent the current system even more. In 1962, Brian L. Sanders brought railways to the islands with the Vanitacon Railway company.

1900-1950, World at War
During the 1st world war, the nation contributed not much to the cause, although there was some new manufacture, although very limited. Very few volunteers signed up for the army since as a whole, the nation did not care much for getting involved, mostly since they were so far from the conflict. However, due to the great depression after the war, which effected the Vanitacon Republic greatly, the people had had enough and revolted. This lead to the establishment of the nationalist party as head of government in 1935. Although at first the party wished to stay within the British Empire, it eventually desided that independance was the better option, espesially since australia and new zealand had all ready gained independance. However, all of this was put on hold for WW2. With the Japanese bringing the fight right to the nations doorstep, a huge portion of the population would enlist in the effort. Because of the islands location being still futher from the Japanese than the other pacific islands, The nation would never be invaded as the US would occupy the islands first as to not risk them being taken over. After the war, the British granted the islands independance on october 1st of 1946, only now under the Independance Party.

1950-1990, Cold War
In 1960, the nation would start opening uranium mines, which sold to both the US and the British. However, in 1961, the election held lead to the socialist party winning. The US did not like this at all espesially since they where next door neighbors, so to keep the US away, they would distance themselves from the soviets, and offically become neutral in the conflict. Trade of uranium still continued, however, and most of it still went to the US. Although soon after the conflict, the uranium mining would go away since the nation would decide to oppose WMDs.

1990-Present, The Future of The Vanitacon Republic
As of now, the nation successfully became a member of the WA and is looking into a future of peace, health, and prosperity.
