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by The Navegante da Lua of Portugal Digital. . 49 reads.

Plano de Reanimação Cardioregional

Olá cidadãos e restantes membros da Região de Portugal!

Antes de mais, a delegacia deseja-vos um bom início de primavera e que tudo esteja bem do ponto de vista da vossa saúde e da dos vossos entes queridos.

Queríamos mais uma vez dar-vos a conhecer aquilo que temos feito, de modo a incluir-vos mais no processo de decisões futuras.

Os nossos dois objetivos principais durante estes últimos meses têm sido divulgar o nome e peculiaridades da Região, assim como procurar mais eficazmente protegê-la.

Acerca da Divulgação "Internacional"

Como talvez se possam lembrar, foi dada a Portugal a oportunidade de participar numa convenção inter-regional por aquilo que foi, tanto quanto sabemos, a primeira vez.
A nossa participação regeu-se pelo objetivo de tentar espalhar a personalidade divertida e relaxada da Região; algo para o qual contribuíram diversos membros regionais, como se pode ver no Dispatch seguinte:

Portugal, a... unique region

Hello to all, we thank you immensely for having us in this conference; it is truly an honour. Most of you won't know who we are, but we hope that could be changed with what we're about to tell you and we also hope you will give us a chance to know you better, while you know us better.

Let's begin!

Who we are
More than 15 years ago, our region was founded by Platinum bees, our Messiah, who will be back, like Schwarzenneger, to bring us eternal peace and lead us to infinite prosperity in these dark times.

We have always been an odd region, one of, if not THE biggest non-English region in NS (regarding the number of WA accounts) and we are really proud of what makes us unique: our culture, our particular sense of humour and the way we created a little corner in this gigantic game for Portuguese-speaking players to have fun and to not be all that lost; we created a place where all of our friends can reconnect with people just like them, a rarity in NS, independentily of political affiliation, race, sexual orientation...etc.

As a region, we value our originality very much and have a great interest in cultural topics, having developed many activities in that area. From the creation of literary and musical contests, dedicated to our unique language, to an avant-garde magazine inspired by our nation's historical writers, and not forgetting several original comics and our own newspaper, there is a bit of everything for everyone. Below you can check some of our cultural dispatches (unfortunately they haven't been translated) by clicking the images.

Apart from that, we also offer to any regional citizen a plethora of roleplaying games inspired by different historical and political scenarios, from a Portuguese-parliament simulator where you take the role of a party to a World War II scenario in a world torn by three different ideologies. Great stories always come out of these little games:

But this isn't even scratching the surface! Apart from all the cultural activities, we take pride in our flourishing meme culture. By never taking anything truly seriously, and trying to make the best out of any situation, we have accomplished some great feats over the years. As an example, after one of our citizens, Ofiussia, made a bid for World Assembly Secretary-General, we supported him on the plataform of getting the website rid of all Dutch (as a reference to a recent diplomatic altercation between Portugal and the Netherlands). Or the time Northportugalinho went around several regions proclaiming his love for the Portuguese nations, ending with his ban from the game. That's Portugal in a nutshell.

We have also acomplished to create a functional democratic system in which, every 6 months, we elect our own delegate, who serves the people and has a mandate from them; making frequent coups a thing of the past! The way we see it, regular elections incentivize people to be more active and take part in the region's activities while also giving them the opportunity to directly choose their representative and safeguarding our security. Now, we are hoping that our regional personality will be enough to make us be the talk of this conference and, who knows, the entire game, hopefully for good reasons this time...

But enough of me talking about how great we are, let our citizens tell you that themselves instead:

Lusitanialand wrote:"I’ve been on Nationstates for over 5 years, joined Portugal almost from the beginning and never moved my WA nation to another region. Since I arrived to the region, I found a place where there's a vibrant community and interesting debates. Unlike many other regions, the members of Portugal have a broad range of political ideas, from communists to reactionaries. Sometimes it’s hard to keep everyone satisfied but overall it’s a friendly region where I learned a lot about politics. We managed to build a democratic system that garanties freedom of speech and respect for all opinions. Portugal is the most important Lusophone and non-English speaking region in Nationstates. I recommend it for all the portuguese, brazilian and other Lusophone people."

~ Lusitanialand, former delegate

Peterandia wrote:"What can be said about this region? Not much. The end, thanks for reading!
Ok, that would be a bit anti-climatic. The person who put me up to write this told me that it had to be somewhat serious, and brief. Three glasses of whisky later I can proudly say I met none of those goals.

So, what is our region all about? In a sense, I’ve been with this region since many of its current members were in diapers. But in another sense I’m newer than them. University, love life, several lousy jobs, I left this region nearly a decade ago. It really shows the spirit of this place that I was able to return now, a decade later, and find a place here.

Now, this is not a place for long winded projects. If you love long World Assembly projects, you came to the wrong place loser. If you are a sane, normal, sensitive person, stay away!
This is a place where crass jokes are made, sarcasm flows like a river, political opinions are sometimes normal but often strange.
Here you will find someone who claims he is Xi Jinping, liberal-conservatives defending communist tyranny as a joke, inside jokes and dark humour that is so dark it should be picking cotton, memes (Editor here, I guess we will just move on from the slavery joke i guess), a long running single-person roleplay that can be summed up as “Portuguese British Empire IN SPACE”, right-wing nutjobs who claim to be a government in exile, trolls (a lot of trolls), lousy boring poetry, and in our porn section of discord we post sexy pictures of our prime-ministers, yes, the lunatics have taken over the asylum.
Sometimes you will find long pointless political posts about stuff 99% of the population does not care about. Other times we just discuss elections as if they are horse races, and even bet on it.

In essence, this is what happens when a small band of political dorks from all walks of live and all ages mix together. So, to conclude, let me say that there is someone out there for everyone. In the case of lunatics present in this region, that person is a psychiatrist.
This region is terrible, and no sane person should ever visit it.

I like it a lot."

~ Peterandia, local revolutionary

Editor's note: Portugal and its government do not in any way approve of slavery or other kinds of inhumane practices, we just like comedy a lot, please don't sue us, thank you very much!

Portugalio wrote:"Portugal is, at its core, a non-english region for Portuguese people. However, it would be very wrong to assume that there is nothing more to say about this region.

Portugal is a safe space for Portuguese speaking players, yes, but it is also a space of debate, where players with all types of political ideologies can come together and discuss a wide variety of topics. What I, personally, like the most about this region it’s the freedom we’ve got to discuss any topic (without insulting anyone of course), and that’s something we fight really hard to maintain.
If politics isn’t your thing and you prefer roleplays, then Portugal is still a viable option. In Portugal we always have a roleplay or two going on and they cover a wide variety of topics, from politics and economics to history (Paradox should sponsor this region, honestly). Moreover, many players in Portugal have their own role play going on and make sure to share it with everyone.

Of course, Portugal has changed through the years, no region stays the same, but I speak from experience, Portugal sure is a region to behold. The democratic system of electing a delegate is rare in the NS universe, but in Portugal we managed to implement it successfully, contributing to a climate of debate and curiosity.

Overall, this region is incredible, what’s not to like here?"

~ Portugalio, former Minister of Foreign Affairs

Caxina wrote: I joined NS around 2 years ago and, well, I kinda settled down here in this tiny piece of forum that we can proudly say "ISTO É PORTUGAL CRLH" (swears ins portuguese).

I was never a very active member of this community: to be honest, college, internships, exam season, classes ate my time a lot but coming to NS just to check the forum and seeing it erupting in flames because of some sily discussion was always a good way to pass time and to laugh it off.
Now, somehow, I've risen to a position of power in this region and I could be very proper and formal but screw that! We have a Delegate with good music taste (the man likes ABBA, he gets my vote), a vice-delegate that must like to be busy a lot cause the man doesn't stop, and an overall great team. It's amazing, it's huge and we are going to make spain return Olivença to us and pay for it!

But back to my personal experience... I don't remember much about when I joined, but I do remember meeting great people here. People that now may have left the game or may have continued in this nonsense region along with me and many others. This was an adventure and a great one at that. I would recommend it to every portuguese folk out there; yes we may not be extremists and we do not allow insults, but hey, we have public decency, jokes, many strange debates, great people and good music taste.

To sum it up, it's great, it's huge, it's amazing and I really like it a lot. Wouldn't leave it for anything.

~ Caxina, Portuguese Soros backed LGBT overlord

WARNING: yes, Spain will give us land and pay for it, we are not gonna compromise in regards to our need to lambast Spain, I'm sorry (not really).

I hope you liked our friends' short stories and now, I'm glad to introduce you the author of the most brilliant campaign for WA secretary-general: he is the man, the myth, the terror of the Netherlands and the destroyer of windmils.... it's Ofiussia!!

Some of the posters designed for the campaign

Hi there Mr. Ofiussia, we are very glad to have you here with us!

    Thank you.

Well, we are here to interview you about your historic, may I say, colossal run for WA Secretary General. Tell us, what was your motivation, what inspired you to make such a brilliant campaign?

    Well, it all started in the first day of the elections. Herya asked if anyone wanted to run in Portugal. I thought it would be fun and then I said I would run. I never thought that the campaign would go so far.

Yes, but what did you have in mind, what did you think about it? I'm sure you didn't just want to be a good and competent Secretary General, and it couldn't possibly be about power.... I mean.... So, what was your weird reason and did you know you would have your region's backing the all time?

    Actually, I didn’t even think before that. I just acted. In the beginning I would never imagine that we would be in the Top 10.

Yes, the region's campaign, your campaign, got in the top 10 for sometime, that's an amazing feat!
But I think our readers really want to know what was it about, that bold, "act first think later", candidacy: what does "for a Dutchless NS" really mean?

    We all hate the Dutch. Even the Dutch hate themselves. We, the Portuguese, are the only people that can fight the dutch until victory, or death, either way we win. The truth is that we did it!

But wouldn't you say that the dutch have the upper hand? I mean, people are saying that the winner was the pro-Dutch candidate and when people say stuff, it must be true, it stands to reason. I, myself, would label all non-Portuguese candidates as pro-dutch and if one of them wins anything then the terrorists have won the game.
What's your take on that?

    I don’t think this was a complete defeat. This candidacy gave this cause a voice. Now, in the next elections, when the next Portuguese is running, he will win.

I too am confident in that and, therefore, delusional. It's nice to think about it really.
Are there any other players you would like to mention and who deserve credit for your and your region's acomplishment?

Thank you very much for your time, I think everyone in NS is grateful for our brave conquest. We hope they are prepared for our next campaign for a Dutchless NS. Is there anything you would like to add or say to the generous people at UCR Con 3?

    I would like them to search about our great region and stand by for the rest of the Convention. Thank you!

And live from New York, it's Saturday Ni- actually our lawyers said I can't say that withouth paying... so we'll just move on.

DISCLAIMER: We don't hate the Dutch, but at the time their PM said some harsh things about our country and so it seemed like the perfect reason to make a sh*t show in a serious candidacy in a not so serious game. In hindsight... we were absolute geniuses, but the rules in this conference tell us not to bully anyone so I think we will just say we are cool with dutch people, they are always high anyways, they don't care.

And now, a short messsage from our sponsors, the Foreign Ministry of the region of Portugal:

Hi there,

If you liked our region and if you want to create an embassy with us, just talk with me, Ofiussia, to ask for one.
We are always available for interregional activities, like roleplays, cultural magazines and other things.

If you want to have an embassy with us, you must not be an ideological region, you must have a WA Delegate and, finally, respect our Messiah Platinum Bees, through every circumstances.

Have a good convention,
Foreign Minister of Portugal

To learn more about our embassy criteria visit this dispatch.

And to wrap this up, a quick word from our beloved leader, the secretary-general of our red hearts, the Delegate:

Salutations Earthlings, it is I, your new Portuguese trading partner. I have arrived from far away in my caravel, packed with spices and goods which I intend to sell you, whether you like it or not. Submit or face annihilation (we'll cough on you)!

Portuguese History can be summed up pretty much like this, and I feel that's nice. Portugal never had a big population so we couldn't support a large enough army to raid and conquer our enemies nor enough colonists to populate deserted areas. As so, with constrained resources, we always opted for a different approach (well, different in the medieval sense): live and let live (forget the intercontinental slave trade). And that's what we did. We went around the world (a fact which no Portuguese will let you forget) proclaiming our undying love for our country and just selling stuff, with no desire of getting involved in any major conflict.

Unfortunately, in the real world you can't always get what you want and our rising star as a world power quickly faded. But our ancestors didn't know the power of the Internet and all the ways it can join us together more than they ever could in their worn out wooden boats, ha! But just like them, we want to leave you with this in mind: we, the Portuguese, are generally a peaceful people, and we want nothing less than to be good friends with whoever crosses our paths. So, thank you for reading all of this... madness, we sincerly appreciate it and if you feel inclined to take a chance (on me) on this oh so great region, send us a telegram or post a message on our message board, we would be delighted to have you around!

And don't forget, if you have spices hidden we'll come to your house and force you to sell them! Sleep well

With an undying passion
Alentejo and Algarve
Delegate Man

And that's all from us!

If you liked what you've seen, swipe right, hit that like and subscribe button and visit us here: Portugal. Be sure to tell your entire region about what you learned here and what a great idea it would be to initiate talks with us for a new, great and, frankly, better friendship than the ones you have now.

Thank you so very much for having us and I hope I have made enough cultural references to capture your attention and also your:

Read dispatch

A Comenda Regional vai andando de forma mais lenta do que aquilo que era preferível, mas vai andando, mesmo que contra os desejos da Anglofonia Internacional do NS, a qual procura a nossa derrota em todos os movimentos que faz. Dependemos, de momento, da ajuda de regiões amigas, já que a Self-Commend levou a um AVC geral por parte da comunidade de choninhas do NS.

Thalassia, a região com a qual contactámos para apresentar a nossa proposta, mantém-se no entanto burocrática e ociosa devendo o nosso texto estar debaixo de uma pilha de papéis qualquer num escritório abandonado e poeirento. Interviremos (militarmente).

Para recompensar todos os cidadãos que se prontificaram a ajudar a Região, planeamos atribuir diversas medalhas da Ordem de Sant'André, por contribuições extraordinárias.

Este sistema de honrarias da Delegacia de Portugal é uma iniciativa para poder recompensar as gentes ilustres da nossa gloriosa região sem ter que recorrer a tachos. Desta forma cada um verá que as ações são notadas e apreciadas pela comunidade e ficará com uma bonita medalha para mostrar à namorada.

De momento existem 3 Medalhas de Honra a serem entregues, consoante a área de impacto das ações do(s) honorado(s):

  • Medalha de Cidadão Exemplar
    Oferecida a civis que tenham desempenhado atos heroicos ou tenham desempenhado importantes tarefas para o desenvolvimento ou entretenimento da região.

  • Medalha de Honra Militar
    Oferecida a quem se destaque pela sua importante posição na defesa da região face a todo o tipo de ameaças: raiders, trolls, comunistas, etc.

  • Medalha de Mérito
    Oferecida membros da Delegacia que tenham ajudado substancialmente na construção, promoção ou divulgação da região.

Algumas Regras

  1. O responsável pela atribuição das medalhas será o Delegado em funções, ou por quem for por ele escolhido para desempenhar essa tarefa.

  2. As honrarias não poderão ser atribuídas a nações já mortas. Para além disso, os eventos não poderão ter ocorrido há menos de 1 mês, aquando da atribuição da medalha.

  3. Vanglória por parte dos premiados é permitida, desde que o chão não fique escorregadio com todo o azeite.

Medalhas Atribuídas


Medalha Atribuída


Data de Atribuição


Recomendado por


Medalha de Cidadão Exemplar

Pela dinamização de duas edições dos Jogos Desportivos

6 de Janeiro de 2019


Iniciativa da Delegacia

Herya e Comonia

Medalha de Mérito

Pelo trabalho efetuado na elaboração da primeira "Revista Orpheu"


Medalha de Mérito

Pelo trabalho efetuado na abertura e reforma das embaixadas portuguesas


Medalha de Honra Militar

Por feitos na área da defesa regional - sozinha esta região derrotou o inimigo ancestral e mortal de Portugal, Thalassia, pondo fim a uma guerra que durou eras - Delenda est Thalassia

9 de Outubro de 2021



Medalha de Honra Militar

Por assegurar a ordem, tornando Portugal numa região mais pacífica

23 de Dezembro de 2021


Arquipelago da Coruja e Peterandia

Medalha de Mérito

Por permitirem a transição, em ordem e com competência, de Portugal de uma região isolada para uma região com impacto na aliança URA, sendo, a certo ponto, uma das mais influentes em poder de voto

Iniciativa da Delegacia


Medalha de Mérito

Pela fama que a candidatura a Secretário Geral da WA que encabeçou obteve

Alentejo and Algarve

Alentejo and Algarve

Medalha de Mérito

Por feitos na área da cultura, desenvolvendo os Relatórios de Transparência da Delegacia em algo mais, o Editorial O Telegrama. Por ter sido o impulsionador e responsável pela difícil missão que foi padronizar todos os dispatches oficiais da Delegacia, tornando a navegação nestes muito mais simples

9 de Abril de 2022

Iniciativa da Delegacia

Arquipelago da Coruja

Medalha de Honra Militar

Pelo seu papel fulcral nas negociações que levaram a região Aliados Brasileiros a render-se a Portugal e acabar com as suas vias bélicas, tornando-se num Protetorado português

Delegacia Exilada e Legítima de Aliados Brasileiros


Medalha de Cidadão Exemplar

Por, no ardente conflito contra os Aliados Brasileiros ter levado a cabo as mais engenhosas ações de contraespionagem alguma vez desenvolvidas pelas forças de segurança portuguesas. Infelizmente, os seus atos de bravura, embora levando ao sucesso da Operação Mato Grosso, culminaram na sua terminação

Barlock e
NationStates Moderators


Medalha de Honra Militar

Por, enquanto foi Delegado, ter segurado a região com sucesso e a ter deixado muito melhor do que ela estava quando foi eleito pela primeira vez.

8 de Outubro de 2022


Iniciativa da Delegacia

por atribuir

por atribuir

por atribuir

por atribuir

por atribuir

por atribuir

Read dispatch

Acerca da Segurança da Região

Temos, ao longo destes meses, procurado várias associações de Defenders e temos comunicado com jogadores a nós designados de modo a estarmos cientes de possíveis Raids e outras ameaças - o nosso principal aliado e consultor de segurança interna é um enviado do exército das 10000 Islands. De igual modo temos procurado desenhar um melhor sistema de segurança com base nestes conselhos.

Em fase final de planeamento está ainda um sistema de alerta semelhante ao DEFCON, atualizado de duas em duas semanas, que deixaria claro o estado de perigo que a região corre para todos. Pretendemos assim tornar esta faceta tantas vezes escondida da governação regional mais transparente e aberta. Se nada mais, é uma boa oportunidade para role play.

Temos também o objetivo de, ainda neste mandato, iniciar uma discussão regional acerca da existência ou não de limite de endorsements, de modo a impedir a mudança de delegado por parte dos raiders com o fim de criar instabilidade. Outras sugestões de mecanismos de defesa regional poderão ser dadas por qualquer jogador, aquando do início deste debate.

Revitalização do RMB

Com ajuda do cidadão Peterandia, chegámos à conclusão que o posto de Arauto, criada pelo delegado Lusitanialand, tem algum mérito, mas precisa de ser redesenhado. A nossa ideia é ter 2 divulgadores por 2 semanas (e preferencialmente com opiniões políticas distintas) e este posto ser rotativo, consoante a disponibilidade dos jogadores.

Por exemplo: um membro do PC e outro do PL e, passadas 2 semanas, substituir o membro do PC por um do PSU, mantendo-se o do PL (se este tiver disponibilidade), ou substituindo-o por outro membro do PL. Ex: PC-PL; PL-PSU; PSU-PC; PC-PL

Durante estas duas semanas cada um dos divulgadores deve trazer pelo menos 2 temas de debate para movimentar a região e devem, entre si, procurar apresentar opiniões diversas para as diferentes questões, de modo a enquadrar a problemática e para que todos os membros da região, especialmente os menos ativos, possam acompanhar melhor estas discussões.

Ser divulgador é completamente voluntário, mas contamos convosco para que nos possam ajudar a revitalizar a Região.

Muito obrigado pela atenção de todos!

The Navegante da Lua of Portugal Digital

