by Max Barry

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by The Regional Nation of The Northern Light. . 79 reads.

The Vice Delegate's Weekly Update, 2021-03-17

The Vice Delegate's Weekly Update

17 March 2021 - Week 9 - Vice Delegate's Update

Fasten your seatbelts; this'll be a long one.

Endorsement Levels
After sending out an advertisement TG for non-WAs to join the WA and for non-Keepers not endorsing the VD to become Keepers, we've gained 12 WAs and 14 Keepers. McM and I continue to grow in endorsements. Given that McM and I are quite high at this point and that it's been a few weeks since the transition concluded, it's time to bring the rest of the SC up to par. Xagill's been saturated with endorsement alerts over the past few weeks, so I'm sending out an alert for every SCer below 1010 endorsements, starting from the bottom and working up. El Fiji Grande has already shot up to 1011 endorsements as of writing. I also sent alerts for Dreadton and Frances Francis the First of France (Lord Lore), and will keep progressing up the SC over time- likely one alert every day or every few days. Getting every non-Xagill SCer to at least 1000 endorsements won't be particularly difficult, and Xagill's endorsements are just a matter of time and consistent endotarting.

WADP Cards and Card Rewards Thread
Legendary cards were recently sent out by Delegate McMasterdonia to all nations that Linkwon a top-10 spot in one or more of the three ranked categories in February's WADP awards. However, as also stated in Linkthe Ministry of Cards' monthly report for February, our regional card reward programs will be undergoing some changes. Namely, epic cards will no longer be gifted as part of the WADP. This is due to the fact that the old version of the program necessitated gifting well over a thousand epic cards every month, placing a considerable strain on both our gifting capabilities and the person doing the gifting. Going forward, the following card reward measures will still be in effect:

  1. Winners of the three top-10 categories of the WADP awards in a given month will win a random legendary card per category won.

  2. Keepers of the North will be eligible for three daily legendary card lotteries, the specifics of which are available Linkin this dispatch.

The only difference will be the lack of epic card rewards (which are of questionable value to the vast majority of nations receiving them anyway). We are considering retooling the daily legendary lotteries to better incentivize active endotarting and ensure that nations receiving cards actually want them. Expect further updates on this front.

The plethora of card reward programs available to TNPers can be confusing, especially for newer members of the region. Additionally, card rewards unaccompanied by communication acknowledging such can easily lead to further confusion. For these reasons, we'll be working on a forum thread outlining every way in which TNPers can earn cards for contributing to the region. All official card rewards sent out will be posted in this thread, and all nations receiving these cards will also receive a telegram indicating why they have received cards.

Dispatch Update Project
On that note, I have noticed that quite a few of our WADP dispatches are either behind the times or could use additional clarity. I will be personally overseeing an effort to update all WADP dispatches under the purview of the Vice Delegate to better reflect the current state of the program. The current Linkcard rewards dispatch comes to mind, as it heavily emphasizes the lottery instead of more regular rewards, is outdated in numerous areas, and could better advertise other card-gifting programs in TNP. This project won't take a significant amount of effort, but it will undoubtedly have a positive impact on our ability to introduce the WADP and its associated programs to new residents.

If you have any suggestions regarding updating WADP dispatches, or if you have any comments regarding these dispatches, please don't hesitate to contact me via forum PM, NS TG, or Discord message.

Endotarting Event
The SC will be holding a big regional endotarting event in early April. This event will include both card-based and other prizes, and incorporate gifts for active members of the NPA along with a limited-time promotion of the executive card rewards program. This event will run for two-three weeks. The objective will be simple: increase the total number of endorsements in the region, secure TNP as Linkthe top region by average endorsements, and increase the unbroken number of top endorsement spots (currently 28) that TNP nations hold. Card rewards will be aimed at individual contributions, and will consist of both lottery and guaranteed elements. Other prizes will be tied to collective regional progress toward our goals. For an idea of what to expect, feel free to take a look at Linkthe last version of the event.

Endotarting Guide
TNP currently offers a Linkvery basic guide on the mechanics of endotarting for new players. However, this guide doesn't cover how to maximize endotarting efficiency, how to actually endotart beyond the very basics (e.g., writing effective endotarting TGs), or how to exert greater control over your own endorsement count. The SC is comprised of experienced endotarters who have picked up many tips and tricks over the years. We are working on a guide that will cover this ground and benefit the region as a whole. Included in this guide will be a concrete process for TNPers to request endotarting assistance from the SC if they have any lingering uncertainties or just want direct help achieving their desired endorsement count.

SC Handbook
The SC can be difficult to understand for nations unfamiliar with the inner workings of TNP. What the SC actually does, the history of those on it, and how to actually get on it are all things that people new to the region can struggle to understand, and which our current materials don't do a particularly good job of explaining. That's where the SC Handbook comes in. This will consist of three dispatches that cover the SC's role, its members, and how to actually get on it, respectively. Interestingly, a good portion of the necessary material already exists in some form or another. It's a matter of refining and building on what already exists.

RMB Trivia
Another event that's in the pipeline. This'll basically be what it sounds like: a trivia contest on the RMB where SCers ask questions and people try to correctly answer them in exchange for prizes. The questions will be divided based on difficulty, will all concern TNP, and will all necessitate some degree of forum research. Details forthcoming.

VD Forum Mentoring
With the Ministry of Home Affairs' forum mentoring program back up and running, there's a good opportunity to refine the template I've been using for mentoring with citizenship applicants who pass the Vice Delegate's check. The goal is to have a more flexible template that can be adapted based on information that comes up during the Vice Delegate's check, which can be used to direct new citizens to programs and areas that may interest them.

Another batch of threads was moved to the declassified archive. There's still quite some ground to cover just because the backlog of threads to release extended back to 2013. However, I am confident that we can get it done this term.

Well that was a lot. I sincerely apologize for the belated nature of this week's report; there was a lot of stuff going on, and I wanted to get it all covered with one report that people can easily find and look through. The next report will be more standard.



[LinkForum version]

Jointly sponsored by the Delegate and Security Council of The North Pacific.
