by Max Barry

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by New ropakstadt. . 71 reads.

Sablefisch, the Great Capital City (under renovation)

Sablefisch is a relatively large city in New Ropakstadt. With a population of nearly 22 million, it is by far the largest city in Central Asia. It is on the east coast of the Caspian Sea, and is the center of trade in Central Asia. Other nations with large economies, such as Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan, pay hundreds of millions of Niks to buy spots on ships to sell to neighboring nations, as well as using the Slavken Canal to get to the Persian Gulf.

[b]Port of Greater Sablefisch[/b]
This is one of the busiest ports in the world, for multiple reasons. For one, it is in a largely populated city in Central Asia, which has a strong economy in cotton and oil, two very sought after items. It also is near the decently sized city of Slavken, which is the city on the north end of the Slavken Canal, a 550 mile canal that Iran and Ropakstadt built, costing billions of Niks. Nations can buy spots in Ropakstadtian container ships heading through the Slavken Canal. The spots are relatively cheap, but if you want to ship more than a couple containers of something, the prices add up quickly (prices grow exponentially). Prices for items are in the table below:

[table][tr][td]Item[/td][td]Price per Container[/td][td]Additional Costs[/tr][/td]
[tr][td]Oil[/td][td]10,000 Niks[/td][td]+1,000 Niks after 50 containers[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]Cotton[/td][td]6,000 Niks[/td][td]+900 Niks after 30 containers[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]Natrual Gas[/td][td]8,500 Niks[/td][td]+2,000 Niks after 40 containers[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]Uranium, Plutonium[/td][td]40,000 Niks[/td][td]Not allowed to ship over 5 containers[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]Natrual Metals (Copper, Zinc, etc.)[/td][td]5,000 Niks[/td][td]No extra costs[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]Gold[/td][td]490,000 Niks[/td][td]+50,000 after 5 containers[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]Fruits (excluding peaches and strawberries)[/td][td]3,000 Niks[/td][td]No extra costs[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]Peaches[/td][td]6,000 Niks[/td][td]No extra costs[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]Strawberries[/td][td]5,000 Niks[/td][td]+10,000 Niks after 70 containers[/td][/tr]
Other specifications can be found in the Ropak Guide to Shipping (coming later).


The downtown area of Sablefisch is home to skyscrapers, businesses, and a beautiful marina. Downtown is the secondly most populated district in Sablefisch, after the Northern District. The capital is on the border between downtown and the Western Industrial District, but it is mostly agreed to be in downtown. Downtown Sablefisch is famous for it’s skyscrapers, which house some of the tallest in Central Asia. More on these can be found in my skyscraper factbook.


New ropakstadt
