by Max Barry

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by The xovva. . 5 reads.

A Held Promise

A Held Promise

In the days before the onset of the war, The Xovva had promised to The Crown Princess of The Samarii, Anglar Sangwe to take a visit of the hidden fortress-city of Angruntrusk, along with them in this journey is a small detachment of cavaliers worth five hundred riders, and The Six Tenets. A promise made on the dinner eve of the night that The Crown Princess had arrived in Xovvaran.

Angruntrusk, The Holy Empire of The Xovva

Angruntrusk was beyond the initial descriptions told to them by Denver Eisenhorn, a complete underestimation. The Xovva’s company found themself amazed and enamored by the construction of the city, as curated by Anglar Sangwe herself, ”Our people arrived here not a long time ago. It was built upon the old foundations of an old Kostuan fortress.”

The Tenet of The Earth could not help herself chatter with The Crown Princess regarding the quality, and the history of the infrastructure, as she has a sweet-tooth for the well made, and well curated. Anglar Sangwe took this as a good sign, and a sigh of relief, as she does not just have the slight approval of one of the many that lead the Xovvans but also express the beauty of the city, and the people that inhabit within.

“It is as if I have been here before...” The Tenet of The Earth says with giddy joy, an expression not so commonly seen by the rest of The Tenets, and The Xovva, appropriately responding with a surprised expression. “You words are too kind, my Tenet, Angruntrusk has seen its fair share of disrepair over the years. We simply do our best to make it all last...” Anglar Sangwe responds to the compliments given by The Tenet of The Earth.

“That just makes it even better!” The Tenet of The Earth smiles, clasping her hands together with joy. Witnessing such reaction come out from her is a harrowing experience to have been witnessed by The Xovva, and the rest of The Tenets. Though there is a truth to her elated words, The Tenets do feel something familiar with the fortress-city, like a strange sensation that they have done something similar a long time ago.

The minutes of exploration lend to The Tenet of The Earth perusing every detail she can remark, Anglar Sangwe curating, and the rest of the Xovvan leadership in silent shock as they continue to witness The Tenet of The Earth act the way she does.

“Am I dreaming... Somebody pinch me...” Remarks The Tenet of The Flesh.

In some facades, The Xovva, and The Tenets found themselves intrigued with the symbols along the walls, and sheets of cloth. They have seen such symbols before as it is similar to the ciphers of The Xovvan Codex as passages from the book, and the subsequent information held within, are locked in plain sight simply because of the odd writings written along the rest of the words in the book’s pages, written in Kostuan. By the symbols they saw are too large, and far apart to make any possible sentence, but they do not dismiss the idea that a single symbol altogether is a phrase all on its own.

Anglar Sangwe tries her best to explain the nature of these symbols, “They are symbols of the Samarii script, derived from mathematical geometry found in nature, and the unknown incessant use of the number ‘six’ as the crux of the style, and form... Beyond this, we, as a people, don’t know more. Much of our culture was lost in the many religious crusades, and raids in the previous eras...” Her voice lowers to a mournful, and lamenting tone, nearly extinguishing the joy, and the smile wrought from The Tenet of The Earth’s appreciation of the city.

“We know how that feels, Princess Sangwe...” The Tenet of The Spirit responds, her tone ridden with understanding, and empathy. “Our Faith is, too, fragmented, and lost in some manner... Taught down to us by our village elders, and the books handed to us when it was our time to lead.”

The Xovva merely stands, listening, and witnessing to the wisdom, and the words being sent back, and forth but his mind remains fresh for the place, he can truly admit that he has been in Angruntrusk for the first time. He glances his eyes, and points his head at other directions, absorbing much of the details as he can, something that he has learned from his parents.

The Xovvan leadership, and their escorts eventually find themselves into the palatial grounds of Angruntrusk, in the same patch of ground where Denver, and his company stood. The Crown Princess of the Samarii, The Xovva, and The Six Tenets are met by Samir Haimm at the palace doors.

Anglar Sangwe, and Samir Haimm greet each other as they come into distance of one another, then speaking in their native tongues.
“A fine afternoon, Samir... How does father fare?” She inquires to Samir, with her tone of voice laden with grace, and politeness.
“Still... Asleep... Your majesty. I’m sorry...” Samir answers to Sangwe with a stoic but sorrowful tone. Not wanting to express the least bit of faltering, at least not to the visitors that The Crown Princess has brought along.

“I see...” Crown Princess Sangwe glances downward for a bit, then returns to face The Xovva, and The Tenets.

Even in hush tones, The Xovva, and The Tenets managed to hear mere snippets of the conversation, though they never did fully understand what they meant, the inflection of each pronunciation, and the construction of the sentences feel familiar to their ears, The Xovva glances to The Tenets, and The Tenets glance to each other. The words they have heard only conclude three things in single words; a day, slumber, and apology.

“Please... I invite you all to the halls of the palace...” Anglar Sangwe says with a slightly awkward tone, keeping her composure though within her, she feels a tinge of mourning knowing still that her father remains in deep slumber. She tilts her head to Samir, and nods lightly, and the Sentinel promptly responds, heading to the doors and opening it ahead of them. The Xovva, and The Tenets nod politely as they made their way inside, led by The Crown Princess herself. Though the Xovvan leadership is permitted by The Crown Princess to bring guards with them, it is limited to a hundred. The Xovva tasked Delilah to wait outside the palace, where she is joined with Samir Haimm.

It was only when the doors closed behind that a realization dawns on The Xovva, bringing what is essentially, all of the nation’s leadership is dangerous. The Tenet of The Spirit feels this immediate doubt much like a child intruding upon the bedroom of one’s own parents, she reassures The Xovva that there is nothing to fear from The Crown Princess.

Ahead of everyone view is the throne that seats the active ruler of Angrunstrusk, where its lavish halls still lit with sunlight would be flanked with welcome, and feasting but there is no such occasion. The Crown Princess did not expect for her to be welcomed by the Xovvarans so immediately.

“The very Palace of Angrunstrusk, much like the rest of the city, is built on the foundations of an old Kostuan fortification. Many things have been added on ever since... Sporting a hall which we stand within, the throne, and an exceptional library... The palace itself holds all the necessary amenities as a proper castle would, of course.” The Crown Princess explains to the Xovvan leadership. “And as promised to our agreement... Xovva, your eminence...” Anglar Sangwe calls upon The Xovva’s attention, “Follow me, we shall head to the chambers of my still slumbering father. My Tenets, you may ask any of my maidens to take you anywhere else within the palace...”

A certain air of nervousness creeps upon the will of The Crown Princess.

The xovva
