by Max Barry

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by Free press. . 261 reads.

An APSIA Scandal

Trouble in APSIA

Aug. 13th, 2020: I got a TG on my main nation, which is the WA delegate in my home region. The TG was from Nationalist Gold Union and said:

Red alert!
Some fools are upset with my region APSIA's aggressive recruitment strategies, including the tactic of "WA poaching" - directly targeting members of YOUR region to steal for ours.
And for some reason, they're trying to condemn our leadership and region for this! Blasphemy!


I've worked for 5 years to earn a pristine reputation for my region, only for it to get kicked in the dust like this. I'm urging you to not vote to approve this resolution. Please please please!
That way, it will continue to be morally okay for me and my region to harass your region's nations for recruitment in the future.

Founder and Supreme Leader of APSIA
True and Legitimate WA Delegate of APSIA (unlike that Romanian, Sietsk)
Famed WA Poacher

Not that interesting. But then I looked further. Turns out Sietsk is the WA delegate in APSIA! Why would they want to condemn their own region? I pointed out to NGU that he/she can just bring Sietsk to court and then kick them from the region, or at least threaten to do that if Sietsk doesn't take down the SC condemnation. NGU liked the idea and went to find someone to act as an attorney. I offered up my services, beginning to feel the beginnings of an article and drama brewing. I wanted an inside scoop. So I went to APSIA and posted on the RMB that I was a reporter and wanted to know what was going on with this condemnation stuff. This happened:

My posts asking about what was going on were suppressed, and a post by Bisingen saying that the nations of the region were being ruled by an iron fist. The Imgur link posted showed this:

Apparently I am "censored press", no idea how that came across. Panjal (the suppressor) was a government official and seems not to like my presence. I am ready to be ejected at any moment now.

The RMB is now filled with messages supporting the APSIA government. Especially NGU. Some examples:

If you want to see the whole RMB go here:


It seems that there are two factions. The backers of Sietsk who wish to condemn the region for WA poaching and the government led by NGU. Here is Sietsk official statement to me:

This is a full fledged revolution! This'll be fun. The government sure is making a desperate attempt to save the region, but the revolution seems to be gaining traction with some nations. I can't take sides, but both have valid points.

Here is a link to the forum page on the proposal:


Summary of proposal and stuff: Mass TG spamming and WA poaching is frowned upon in NS. And the proposal attempts to punish the nations that do it. The condemnation can also be a double one because of how the government treats its region's nations.

Aug. 14th, 2020: I've been scrolling through the forum of the proposal... and laughing. Nations are getting really salty about this. It's a great mud flinging battle between APSIA officials, APSIA residents, and nations who want them to get out of the SC and calm down. The mods have come in too as the drama escalates.

NGU continues to try and stop the proposal being passed and suppressing any contradictions of the government in the RMB. NGU has also posted a poll about wether to oust Sietsk:

Backfire! The nations are revolting!

I TGed NGU about this whole affair, to get his thoughts. According to them, a bunch of nations were unhappy with the region leadership and tried to condemn the region. NGU sent out TGs to stop the SC proposal from going through, though nations "thought I was a double agent who secretly wanted APSIA condemned, which was kind of weird".

At midnight last night (not sure what time zone) the proposal needed only 6 more approvals to go to the voting floor. But Morover, the famous resolution writer, TGed many nations to not approve the proposal. Why? Well it seems Morover just didn't think the region was worthy of a condemnation, stating that condemnation are many times sought after by regions as a sort of "badge of honor". Instead Morover and others are telling nations from APSIA to directly fight the government, not use the SC.

An interesting quote about NGU:

"The NGU's acts of corruption, sleight and amoral expediency are despicable and quite possibly unforgivable. He has repeatedly abused his power as the leader of APSIA, including but not limited to through the distribution of copied and pasted telegrams on a massive and, I dare say, unprecedented scale. If need be, I can provide dozens upon dozens of screenshots of how recipients of the spammed telegrams expressed their warranted frustration and anger. Hell, they were published by the capra himself, which proves that he relishes these kind of deeds! Punishment must be swift and certain." - Yustrait (a citizen of APSIA

Aug. 15th, 2020: Condemn APSIA has not been approved. According to the APSIA regional factbook "the civil war has ended". Has it though? From what I've seen it looks like nations will be upset with this. We'll see where this goes...

[box]Aug. 17th, 2020: There is nothing left for the APSIA revolutionaries to do. And their leader, Sietsk says "All hope is lost. And hope dies last, so we're in a grave situation."

The wheels of bureaucracy, dictatorship, and suppression continue to turn, the people powerless to stop them.

The peoples caribbean union

Free press

