by Max Barry

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by The Defender of Yatoism of Neuer Deutsches Reich. . 187 reads.

Historical events (non-MegaVerse)

Timeline of the NDR

Current year: 2119

From up to down is from past to present:

1919- the NDR is founded

1921- great expansion till the mountains

1926- the golden age

1948- market crash, mass inflation

1949- failed communist coup

1954- slavery is reinstated

1957- Royal guards slaughter protesters

1989- Incidents with monarch

2017- communist civil war starts

2018- kaiser missing

2019- end of civil war: communist

2023- colonies are founded

2024- assassination attempt on Karl Heilmeier: Adolf Wagner assumes power [the German Stalin]

2027- the colony ofNord-ndr is founded

2035- Neighboring nation of New Rome is founded with NDR support

2047- colonization of mars

2049- golden age of science

2050- expansion of the empire adding multiple star systems to it.

2087- communism is dismantled and Adolf Wagner is executed

2089- the failing democracy is overthrown by the supremacist group

2096- kaiserreich is re-established.
