by Max Barry

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by Guardian of gaia. . 622 reads.

Get Started in the Grace of Gaia

Get Started in the Grace of Gaia

Welcome to the Grace of Gaia! This is a region themed around an isolated island in a fantasy medieval era. We are a cozy relaxed region, but with quite a bit to do if you're interested! Here are a few things you can do to get started in the region:

Job Board

Internal Affairs,

Foreign Affairs,



Teyrn of Internal Affairs

Overseeing the Branch of Internal Affairs and the positions beneath it, overseeing regional telegrams, organizing events, helping to retain users in the region.

Ambassador/Patrician of Diplomacy

Visiting with the community you are assigned to, sharing news and diplomatic updates with them, and bringing us reports on how their region is doing.


Send recruitment telegrams to help grow the region.

WA Delegate (always available)

Ever wanted to be the WA Delegate? Well good news! This position is always available. At any time, you can announce your desire for the position and start asking people to endorse you, climbing your way to it. Comes with as much responsibilities and duties as you make for yourself.

Patrician of Questions

Post a Question of the Day (QOTD) on the RMB every day.
If you're in the Discord server, ping (in #role_pings) the @QOTD role to tell them to go answer the Question of the day.

Teryn of Foreign Affairs

Tasked with overseeing relations with embassy regions, accepting and declining incoming embassy requests, and looking out for new regions to establish embassies with.

Guardian of gaia

