by Max Barry

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by The Supine Socialist Slothland of Maowi. . 205 reads.

Recruitment Information


Seeing as the answer is 'YES!', join up today to recruit for South Pacific! This Dispatch will tell you all you need to know about how to go about it.

1. Register your nation

NationStates will only let you recruit for a region if you're registered for recruitment onsite. To sign up, all you need to do is telegram me, Maowi, letting me know you'd like to sign up. If you have several nations, make sure you telegram me from your oldest nation inside South Pacific. New nations are blocked from sending more than one telegram every 15 seconds per NationStates rules, but this value decreases very gradually as your nation gets older, so older nations are able to send telegrams in more rapid succession, which gives you an advantage in recruiting.

2. Setting up the recruitment telegram

Go to your telegrams page and click + New Telegram. Address the telegram to tag:template (if done correctly, a box should come up underneath reading '(Create Telegram Template)').

Next, inside the telegram text box, copy and paste the following code:

Hello, %NATION%, and welcome to NationStates!

So, you've created your nation, and now you're wondering what on earth you should do next ... fortunately, I can help you there!

I'm here to encourage you to move to [region]South Pacific[/region]. We're a super friendly region where everyone's always looking out for each other and it's a great place to get started as a new nation. We have plenty of opportunities for you to get involved in running the region: we're small enough that your voice will always be heard, but big enough for you to have lots to do in our various ministries.

Below are a few details about the different ways you can get involved. If any of them pique your interest, don't hesitate to come over and ask the relevant minister!

[spoiler=Ministry of Foreign Affairs]The Ministry of Foreign Affairs is unique in the sense that it allows you to interact greatly with other regions too. If you enjoy talking with a large variety of people, becoming an Ambassador from South Pacific to other regions is a wonderful way of making lots of friends from all around NationStates. Your duties would involve giving your assigned region monthly updates on the goings-on in South Pacific, but other than that, you can spend your time chatting with residents of other regions on their Regional Message Boards or their Discord servers. See this dispatch for information, and if you have any questions, or are interested in joining up, drop a telegram to [nation]Holly United[/nation], our Minister of Foreign Affairs.[/spoiler]
[spoiler=World Assembly Ministry]If you enjoy writing or analysing legislation, or think you'd be interested in learning about it, our WA Ministry is for you! If you join, your main tasks would be looking at WA law at vote and helping our World Assembly Delegate, [nation]Johanneslanden[/nation], decide which way to vote. You'd also help other residents draft WA proposals, and maybe even have a go at writing your own! Becoming active in the World Assembly is a really good way to make yourself a name inter-regionally and to interact with even more people. If you're not sure whether this sounds super fun or not, I suggest looking at [url=]this[/url], the World Assembly Forum. You can telegram [nation]Maowi[/nation], our World Assembly Minister, with any questions, and if you're interested, have a look at this dispatch.[/spoiler]

[spoiler=Customs Ministry]The Customs Ministry is in charge of ensuring that all World Assembly nations are endorsing the delegate, recruiting, and looking after border control to try and protect the region from raiders. The Ministry is vital to making sure the region is safe and sound and involves a lot of communication skills and discussion with other government officials. If that's something you're good at or have fun doing, please volunteer to serve the region! We're always looking for new, innovative ways to recruit using telegrams and the forum and we have to have our eyes everywhere to try and spot potential raiders. The more, the merrier, so telegram me [nation]Maowi[/nation] to get involved and check out this dispatch.[/spoiler]

[spoiler=Culture Ministry]Minister of Culture [nation]A Down and Dusky Blonde[/nation] makes sure we always have something new to chat about on the RMB, whether it be a fun poll, music, or a summer beach party. South Pacific has a great history: if you want to become part of this, telegram her to find out what you can do to help.[/spoiler]

And if you don't fancy becoming too busy just yet, feel free to simply hang around for the fun conversations and music sharing that happens on our Regional Message Board and our Discord server.

So, what are you waiting for? Hit the button below to move here, introduce yourself on our RMB and enjoy our sandy beaches and pristine waters!


[YOUR POSITION(S) IN THE REGION HERE] (if none applicable, put ‘Recruiter’)

(P.S. If you're feeling overwhelmed by these recruitment telegrams, you can switch them off by going to settings > telegram preferences > recruitment > block all)

Make sure you insert your name and positions at the bottom of the telegram.

Now, very crucially, MARK YOUR TELEGRAM AS RECRUITMENT. You can do this by selecting the drop-down arrow next to the recipients box and ticking the checkbox that selects 'this is a recruitment telegram'. Double check that it is selected as a recruitment telegram for South Pacific, and hit send. If you forget to mark your telegram as recruitment, it is spam, and therefore against site rules, so it is very important that you do so.

You have now successfully set up your template!

3. The actual recruiting bit

If you go to your 'sent items' and open the tag:template telegram you just sent, scroll down to the bottom and click on 'recruitment and delivery reports'. You should now see a telegram template code which looks something like this: %TEMPLATE-________% with lots of numbers following the hyphen. Copy this code to your clipboard.

To find new nations to recruit, open the 'Activity' tab and go to 'world' activity. In the top right-hand corner, select 'foundings'. This will give you a list of the most recent foundings and re-foundings. As the recruitment telegram is addressed to new players, try to target foundings rather than re-foundings. To send a recruitment telegram, click on the nation you wish to telegram, scroll down and click 'write telegram'. In the body of the telegram, simply paste the telegram template code and then hit send. It might feel weird, but they will receive a copy of the recruitment telegram above. Seeing as you set the category with the template, you don't need to re-select the recruitment category.

The good news about recruiting is that once you've set it up, it's quick and easy. Giving us five or ten minutes of your day can make a big difference!

If you are on our Discord, ping me and I'll give you a 'recruiter' role.

The Supine Socialist Slothland of Maowi

