by Max Barry

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by Reconstituted britannia. . 8 reads.

NWU RP Rules (OLD)

Basic Rules of Roleplaying in the New World Union
Created by UC
Based on the Etarmoof rule set.

1. Consent is recommended to be given before Roleplay can begin.
When you or other players want to begin a Roleplay or 'RP' then all participants must agree with each other to Roleplay before preceding.

However most RPs fall under Spontaneous Roleplay this is when a player begins an RP without warning to other players. Many players are able to improvise and play along, however, if a player wishes not to play along that is their right and must announce that decision or even not responding to the RP. It should also be noted that using this ability is meant to be used as a simple way to halt RP's that are intrusive but not as a way for a player to avoid nations challenging them.

2. A player must be willing to accept the effects of Roleplay.
When Roleplaying things can change rapidly, you may go to war and lose a territory or be forced to give up political power. This is a part of the game and allows for interesting development within the game, thus, a player must be willing to accept the effects of an RP. Do not hold onto imaginary power, allow your nation to rise and fall appropriately and recognize what has happened. If you are not sure exactly what has happened to your during any RP, PLEASE ASK SOMEBODY.

However general consent must be recognized, if a person you're Roleplaying with suggests they take half your nations land, or wishes to completely restructure your government, and you feel as if that doesn't make sense then you have a right to challenge. However first try to work out a solution, but don't deny the effects of Roleplay. If the issue does not reach a conclusion, raise it to the region where a general discussion can happen, usually every generally agrees at what the outcome is, however, it may come down to the RP Admin or Delegate to make the final say.

Realistically, should you have a war RP, for example, you must accept that at the conclusion of the war your nation would have lost soldiers, money, and will experience negative effects. To do otherwise is to destroy any illusion of realism or tension, if there's no risk then there's no enjoyment of the Roleplay. Note that there is a point of no return if you consent to a roleplay you must accept that your nation may face repercussions because of it.

To clarify, if you start a war, you must be willing to lose and lose badly if that is how the RP goes. You cannot go off and deny the results because you do not want to lose. You cannot stop someone from taking your land if you lose. To victors, you have to be realistic, if you fought a very small war, you cannot carve up the nation like WWII Germany. A peace treaty should be decided and an agreement reached. This can either happen publicly usually in a third party nation, RPing a peace conference, or in private typically through telegrams. The former being the most proper, popular, and preferred method (PPP).

3. When Roleplaying, realism must be taken into account. You have a finite population and a finite amount of money when creating statistics or posting about troop numbers you must understand that an element of realism must be present. Now you are not required to create complicated math equations or calculate detailed costs versus troop numbers (Although if you want to go ahead.) but you cannot expect to be allowed to RP that you are funding billions of soldiers with high-powered rifles and personal battle tanks without any extreme economic impact or debt, unless you can fundamentally prove the realism. It should be noted that this is looked at in more aspects than just military, it's looked at economically, and in other aspects of your nation.

3. A) Regional Population Limit: Regional Population Limits are based on two basic factors.
Land Size and the Earth-Only, Space-Only base (ESB). Nations with larger land masses have larger limits and nations with predominately, 60%+, intergalactic holdings will have larger limits. However, the RP Admin is free to decrease or increase the limit of a nation based on RP History, Technology Levels, Economy, Government Type, Immigration Policy and NS Stats. The limit for the total population of Earth is 20 Billion and increases every RP year.

3. B) Regional Military Limit: Regional Military Limits are based on three basic factors.
Land Size, ESB, and Technology Levels. Nations with larger land masses will have larger limits, nations with predominately, 60%+, intergalactic holdings will have larger limits, however, nations with LOWER technology levels will have higher limits. The RP Admin is free to decrease or increase the limit of a nation based on RP History, Economy, Government Type, Immigration Policy and NS Stats.

4. Players must recognize the limits of their nation. Tank or spaceship is not indestructible, lasers can not cut through any material or shot through a moon. Keep your RP within basic SCIENTIFIC probability. So no death stars and no time travel. If you are not sure if your weapon or ship is possible, again ask around. Note; this does NOT include characters however again you must recognize character limits. If your character is overpowered you may be asked to get rid of the character, limit their power and/or limit their usage. To be safe, it’s recommended to use clearly extremely powerful players in government positions, such as general or Minister of Defense as usually, those are not targets in war RPs.

5. Technological LevelsTechnology Levels are based on three basic factors.
NS Scientific Advancement Level (SA), ESB, and Economy. Again the general concept as stated before. Higher SA and Economy levels will have better, more advanced technology, along with Space nations. Technology Levels will not be based on the species of a nation unless specifically granted by the delegate or RP Admin. RP Admins are free to change levels based on Alliances and Trade Deals, Land Mass/Location, RP Events, National Age, Government Type, RP History and relevant NS Stats. You are free to argue your case for higher Technology Levels.

5. A) Technology Limits
What you are able to do should be told to you by the RP Admin.
Technolgy must be scientifically reasonable, for example, Space Ships cannot be any larger than 600 Kilometers or 373 Miles (roughly). If you do not know, ask. Also, Google is a great way to find sweet technology however it must follow these limits. It's recommended that you use Star Trek not Star Wars for your technology.

Technology can NOT surpass these limits;
- Gravity wells of any kind
- Ability to move planets or stars around
- Solar system spanning shields
- No Universe, Galaxy, Solar System, Planet* destroying/creation.
*Planet creation is allowed.

Technology may be resold or re-gifted to other nations, provided that the chain of custody between nations is fully described and established via RP. Received technology may not be reversed-engineered, re-created, or otherwise produced by the receiving nation. Gifted or sold technology may not malfunction, impede, or otherwise sabotage their current owner unless explicitly stated that they are capable of such, or have been manipulated to do so and has been stated to the region.

Reconstituted britannia
