by Max Barry

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by Zorcor. . 1 reads.

Announcement of King Alexander Zápolya 4/30/19

Alexander Zápolya steps up to the podium and looks out over the sea of people and cameras. He had underestimated the intelligence of his people. They knew and it was time for him to admit it. He takes in a breath as he clears his mind. He Speaks "My Fellow Zorcorians it has come to my attention that most of you believe I am sick, that I am dying. I sadly report that you are correct. I ... " He waits as the crowd starts talking frantically. As it dies down he continues "I have the rare virus La Muerta Roja, The Red Death. I am the first recorded case in over a hundred years. Their is no cure and if I'm lucky I'll get two more years. I did not wish to panic you, but I have seen the error in that line of thinking. The smartest of you have already figured it out and have told many others. Their is no greater panic then that caused by a lack of information. Though my body will ail me, My mind will remain strong. I will serve you until I am deemed unable to do so. My heir Zachariah will take over for me in that event and when I pass. Let us not feel sad or scared for what the future holds. We as a nation have always moved forward in the best of times and in the worst of times. Let us not stop now. We fought for our rights back from the evil Red Year, let us not forget although I maybe gone soon, this nation and her people shall endure. Zorcor has a divided history of war, let my passing not cause another one. For The Good of Zorcor ladies and gentlemen. My head of the press will now take over and answer any additional questions."
Alexander turned and walked off stage.

