by Max Barry

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by Wow doge wow. . 11 reads.


Hello. You don’t remember me, and nobody really is going to read this. Therefore, this is a shout in the dark. Why write this then? Because I had an urge to excercise my fingers upon my phone, that’s why. Recently I culled quite a few factbooks, as I found many of them very cringy. Most of them I also found very useless, but I can’t really say that as they are no more useless than this one. Anyways, most people find their younger selves to be cringy, which is obvious because your current self has accumulated more knowledge than your past self. But our ideas are changing too, and ideas often manifest in writing, which means our writing style changes too, which would explain why I didn’t like some of my old factbooks. When I was smaller, I thought a group of older children were being immature, and they justified themselves, saying that, just as they find their younger selves to be “stupid”, their older selves will find their current selves “stupid”. But now, I feel paranoid because I think my future self is judging me, which means I’m currently not the best me—obviously, because once again, future me is smarter than me. This factbook will one day be old, as things do, and maybe I will hate it.
I was not expecting to go anywhere with this, just to drive a car through a corn maze and into a lake. I’m sleepy now.

Wow doge wow
