by Max Barry

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by The Commonweal of Testa. . 30 reads.

The Founding of Testa

Testa was founded 1001 years ago when a Longship (‘the modor skei”) containing 81 Northlanders (the Nogfathers) was caught in a severe storm and shipwrecked near the current location of the capital city, Noghavn. Up until that point the island was uninhabited by man and the Northlanders had no intension to claim or invade the land. Once they had repaired their boat they planned set sail again in an attempt to return home but this plan was aborted due to a coincidental shipwreck of a pleasure cruiser containing 9 Southland princesses and 72 maidservants. The women had been driven off course by a severe tropical storm en route to a tedious party in one of the Southland provinces. The correspondence in numbers between male Northlanders and female Southlanders was seen as providential and the rest as they say is history….

The origins of the country’s name, Testa, is obscure. It has been suggested that it derives from the Southlanders and describes the burnt clay of the terrain around Noghavn, or perhaps the pots that were formed of the clay. An alternative suggestion is that the name derives from the head-shaped promontory on one side of the natural harbour of Noghavn. Another belief is that the name was chosen by the women of the Southlands in exchange for allowing the Northlanders to name the capital city and that it was selected to indicate who was really ran the country (testa = head), despite the lack of evidence to support this explanation it is the most popular one amongst the inhabitants of Testa.

The Commonweal of Testa
