by Max Barry

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by The Republic of Sunset. . 1,136 reads.

Quick Takes

Secretary-General Erika Silaco
Future Tech:
The Republic of Sunset has space ships, power armor, cybernetics, non-human sentients, artificial intelligence, universal basic resources, energy weapons, more space ships, arcologies, faster-than-light travel, terraforming, cloning, and robot cats.

The Briefs:
Put straightforward, the Republic is a thin veneer of an enlightened capitalist society behind which lurks the reality of a post-Singularity civilization. The average person a visitor might meet on the street is generous and welcoming, inquisitive and curious, and genuinely interested in getting to know them better. They see their civilization as one of the few oasis in the midst of a galaxy full of chaos; A Shining City on the Hill. Life is conducted as leisurely or as quickly as an individual might want with many seeing immortality as an opportunity to take things slow while others want to do as much as they possibly can, enabled by the absence of true risk. What tends to stand out is an attitude of certainty; it is not a question of 'if' a thing can be done but 'when'.

Representative Federal Republic:
The Federal Government consists of a popularly-elected Senate that then selects a number of Secretaries who are responsible for the various areas of Government. These are the Secretary-General - who is responsible for both Diplomacy and Defense - and the Secretaries of Education, Industry, and Justice. These then have various under-secretaries and divisions under them. Behind all this is a complex bureaucracy but most of the intricacies are handled by expert computer systems and thus actual flesh-and-blood civil servants are rare - as is the need to call on them.

Renewable Capitalist:
The government encourages companies and individuals to practice renewable capitalism. This is capitalism with an emphasis on using scientific and sociological methods to promote overall progress - competition is good, oligarchy is bad. This extends to the government as well with branches and divisions actively competing to provide better services to their constituents.

The Republic counts among its allies and friends the Triumvirate of Yut (ToY), most of the Non-Democratic Alliance (NDA), the Martian Nations that are a party to the MIDAS treaty, those members that it recognizes of VERITAS, the signatories to the Hyades Accord, as well as a goodly number of nations it has come across in its travels.

Am I not destroying my enemies when I make friends of them?

    ~Abraham Lincoln

The current date in the Republic of Sunset is 179.961.713; this service is provided as a local reference-frame only and may vary with that of your local fractal reality.

Informational Threads:
Nation Maintenance Thread - A little bit of everything!
Archived Maintenance Thread - A little bit more of everything!
And of course there's the rest of the factbook!
Let's just add the OSAMI Storefront too...
And Because 'Why Not?', my LinkDevArt Gallery!

Cooperative Role-Play! Exploration, Social, and Diplomatic especially! And cats.

Uncooperative Role-Play! Military Especially and Generally! Number Wankers! And dogs*.

Telegrams work, as does LinkDiscord!

*I do like dogs. Other people's dogs. As long as they stay 'other people's dogs'.
