by Max Barry

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Most Primitive: 2,392ndHighest Crime Rates: 3,915thMost Avoided: 5,539th
The Republic of
Inoffensive Centrist Democracy Communists
Civil Rights
Political Freedom
Below Average

Overview Policies People Government Economy Rank Trend Cards


Population10.406 billion


The Republic of LLL4 is a gargantuan, pleasant nation, notable for its fear of technology, frequent executions, and suspicion of poets. The hard-nosed, humorless population of 10.406 billion LLL4ians have some civil rights, but not too many, enjoy the freedom to spend their money however they like, to a point, and take part in free and open elections, although not too often.

There is no government in the normal sense of the word; however, a small group of community-minded, corrupt individuals keep a keen eye out for any attempt to organize such a thing, and ruthlessly crush it. Income tax is unheard of.

The large but inefficient LLL4ian economy, worth 211 trillion lls a year, is highly specialized and led by the Woodchip Exports industry, with significant contributions from Trout Farming, Uranium Mining, and Gambling. Black market activity is notable. State-owned companies are common. Average income is 20,305 lls, and evenly distributed, with the richest citizens earning only 3.6 times as much as the poorest.

History textbook pages are used as impromptu tissues by distraught students, citizens who don't recite the Pledge of LLL4 at least three times a day are placed on a terrorist watch-list, the national government has been dissolved by revolutionary insurgents, and one tree's worth of paperwork accompanies each imported log of timber. Crime is a major problem, probably because of the absence of a police force. LLL4's national animal is the ll, which teeters on the brink of extinction due to widespread deforestation.

LLL4 is ranked 345,545th in the world and 52nd in Libertium for Highest Average Tax Rates, with -2.19 Effective Tax Rate.

Most Primitive: 2,392ndTop
Highest Crime Rates: 3,915thMost Avoided: 5,539thHighest Unexpected Death Rate: 5,634thMost Ignorant Citizens: 10,128thMost Politically Apathetic Citizens: 12,446thLargest Timber Woodchipping Industry: 16,259thTop
Most Secular: 28,192ndMost Armed: 29,281st
Most Average: 2nd in the regionMost Primitive: 2nd in the regionHighest Crime Rates: 2nd in the regionTop
Most Politically Apathetic Citizens: 3rd in the regionMost Avoided: 3rd in the regionHighest Unexpected Death Rate: 3rd in the regionLowest Overall Tax Burden: 4th in the regionLargest Timber Woodchipping Industry: 5th in the region

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