by Max Barry

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That was Then. This is Now.

Koffee was once one of the major power brokers of the region: North Alerica. During one of the wars between USSR and North Alerica, The Grendels fought alongside the USSR. Afterwards, when they became friends with Koffee, in North Alerica, they sided with them in the North Alerican civil war. When war threatened to break out again between USSR and North Alerica, the fact that both RedCommunist and Koffee were friends with the Grendels, resulted in neither wanting to be at war with them. Together the three nations brokered a alliance pact between them that ended the conflict before it began.

The downside of this peace was that at that time most of the activity in North Alerican was based on their adversarial relations with their traditional enemies in USSR. The region soon went into decline. Koffee was bequeathed to the Grendels and moved to Wysteria, as a protectorate. Under Grendel guidance and increased trade, the economy of Koffee once more became worthy of page one of the world in the census reports.

While Koffee retains its own independent government, the military is operated by the Grendels. The Koffee Korps, based in Koffee, are often deployed elsewhere, because they are better suited for join operations with humans than other units of the Grendel Expeditionary Forces.
