by Max Barry

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Highest Crime Rates: 3,592ndHighest Unexpected Death Rate: 4,468thLargest Soda Pop Sector: 5,008th
The JON Hegemony of
Capitalizt Freedom-Loving Libertarians
Live as if you were to die tomorrow
Civil Rights
Political Freedom

Overview Dispatches Policies People Government Economy Rank Trend Cards

Ere Ter Baked

Population1.335 billion

FaithState Catholicism

Animalfarm animals

The JON Hegemony of Ere Ter Baked is a massive, socially progressive nation, ruled by Jonathan with an even hand, and remarkable for its barren, inhospitable landscape, unlimited-speed roads, and absence of drug laws. The hard-nosed, hard-working population of 1.335 billion Kids enjoy some of the most opulent lifestyles in the region, unless they are unemployed or working-class, in which case they are variously starving to death or crippled by easily preventable diseases.

The minute, liberal, pro-business government, or what there is of one, juggles the competing demands of Administration, Industry, and Law & Order. It meets to discuss matters of state in the capital city of Argo. Citizens pay a flat income tax of 5.6%.

The strong Kid economy, worth 80.1 trillion balloons a year, is driven almost entirely by the private sector, which is fairly diversified and led by the Gambling industry, with major contributions from Soda Sales, Arms Manufacturing, and Furniture Restoration. Average income is 60,028 balloons, but there is an enormous disparity between incomes, with the richest 10% of citizens earning 350,426 per year while the poor average 4,838, a ratio of 72.4 to 1.

Jonathan is quite hard to get a hold of, if you die during a restaurant meal the government will pick up the bill, the number of deaths due to poor fungus identification is mushrooming, and behind every great person are three dozen other people passing great memos. Crime, especially youth-related, is pervasive, with the police force struggling against a lack of funding and a high mortality rate. Ere Ter Baked's national animal is the farm animals, which teeters on the brink of extinction due to widespread deforestation, and its national religion is State Catholicism.

Ere Ter Baked is ranked 174,006th in the world and 143rd in The Bongos United for Smartest Citizens, with 27.77 quips per hour.

Highest Crime Rates: 3,592ndHighest Unexpected Death Rate: 4,468thLargest Soda Pop Sector: 5,008thFattest Citizens: 7,246thMost Avoided: 7,384thMost Rebellious Youth: 9,340thLargest Gambling Industry: 10,003rdTop
Lowest Overall Tax Burden: 21,303rdHighest Wealthy Incomes: 23,900thMost Pro-Market: 25,182ndMost Armed: 26,623rdMost Extensive Civil Rights: 27,644thGreatest Rich-Poor Divides: 27,846thHighest Drug Use: 29,684th
Largest Soda Pop Sector: 2nd in the regionTop
Fattest Citizens: 3rd in the regionMost Rebellious Youth: 4th in the regionMost Avoided: 5th in the regionHighest Wealthy Incomes: 5th in the regionHighest Crime Rates: 5th in the regionHighest Unexpected Death Rate: 6th in the regionMost World Assembly Endorsements: 7th in the regionHighest Disposable Incomes: 7th in the regionMost Armed: 8th in the regionLargest Gambling Industry: 11th in the regionTop
Largest Manufacturing Sector: 16th in the regionNudest: 16th in the regionMost Extensive Civil Rights: 17th in the regionHighest Average Incomes: 20th in the regionHighest Drug Use: 21st in the region

National Happenings

Most Recent Government Activity:

  • : Following new legislation in Ere Ter Baked, behind every great person are three dozen other people passing great memos.
  • : Following new legislation in Ere Ter Baked, the number of deaths due to poor fungus identification is mushrooming.
  • : Following new legislation in Ere Ter Baked, if you die during a restaurant meal the government will pick up the bill.
  • : Following new legislation in Ere Ter Baked, Jonathan is quite hard to get a hold of.
  • : Following new legislation in Ere Ter Baked, the "Underwear of Women in Power" issue of The Argo Times is sold out.
  • : Ere Ter Baked was ranked in the Top 10% of the world for Most Armed and Highest Drug Use.
  • : Following new legislation in Ere Ter Baked, the police ransack more houses than criminals do.
  • : Following new legislation in Ere Ter Baked, legions of police officers force people to move into massive urban apartments.
  • : Following new legislation in Ere Ter Baked, the military is plagued with unethical researchers.
  • : Following new legislation in Ere Ter Baked, government reports are now used to teach toddlers to read.

