Congressional Assembly Resolution 143-23 | Aberian Wildlife and Enviormental Safety Resolution
Proposed by Congresswoman Ali GholeCo Sponser's | Congressmen Herbert Jole | Congressmen Aljas Dou | Congresswoman Flores Alexander
This Resolution seeks to that further damage to Aberian Wildlife and the Enviorment by the current leader of Aberliada will lead to impeachment and death by firing squad for Corruption and Citizens Distrust.
Any Oil and Gas company operating within Aberian Borders with intent to use fracking hearby must order a fracking permit. The fracking permits intent is prevent further damage to the enviorment, If the company fracks 6:00 PM Until 11:00 AM they will face upwards of a 2,000,000 Aberian Dollar Fine.
A new fracking tax is to be set at a rate of 20.53% this tax will not affect citizens or anyone who buys fracked Oil and gas's but is aimed towards the large companys
Oil and Gas companys to be exact in order to deter fracking and unethical ways of profit, Companys must also report there income recived from fracking
CAR 143-23 |Aberain Wildlife and Eviormental Safety Resolution
Chapter 1 - Fracking